The Fed&39;s mandate by congress should be returned to only controlling inflation. Their meddling in the economy has only made things worse, prolonged uncertainty, and may be creating future problems as bad as the recent meltdown.
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The Fed is doing exactly what Bernanke&39;s loudest critics accuse him of doing: they are giving away free money to support the illusion of prosperity as long as possible, regardless of the long-term risks.
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By May gasoline will be hitting 4.25 a gallon in California, maybe more this time. I didnt hear the Fed say they were going to keep interest rates low. What I heard him say is we are going to make sure every American who fills up their tank each week suffers. If low interest rates were the answer this economy would be smokin hot. Its not, interest rates and stimulas are not the answer. You have to be a $%$ not to see how this wheel turns; Dollar down, Gasoline Up; Consumer confidence down: Market correction; Dollar up; Gasoline down. Gasoline was the pin that popped the last bubble and nothing has been to stop it from climbing again. Good job Ben, keep that gasoline high. People love, it. Especially those who dont pay their mortgage, they have lots of money to buy gas with.
"...significant minority of market participants who regard the Federal Reserve as a threat to the stability of the U.S. economy...."...that&39;s a quote from the article... The SO-CALLED "Federal Reserve", is in ct a PRIVATEBANK, and it&39;s NOT part of the Federal Gov&39;t...Think about THAT - in the Fed&39;s own comic-book story of itself, there is no mention of who, how, or when the Fed was created...Think about THAT!.......Who REALLY controls the Fed, because it&39;s NOT Congress, the President, or you & me... THINK ABOUT THAT!....
I gently disagree, as seen in the attached clip, suggesting the Fed hiding dark truths while espousing &34;transparency&34; would be not just hypocritical but impossible to pull off effectively. You can&39;t give ten different Fed Governors the chance to write out their forecasts for economic growth until 2016 while simultaneously asking them to keep a huge, terrible secret.
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The Fed will become transparent just like Obama will have the most transparent administration ever. RIGHT?
The dollar is tanking against the Euro. This is unacceptable. Europe is in financial ruins, but the market thinks that the dollar is worse. Go figure.
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Jeff Macke updates his 3 wishes to create a more confident and stablized financial market in the first half of 2012.
Either Europe is going to implode in a way not already anticipated, our nascent economic improvements are equal parts illusory and transitory or some other horrible te awaits us.
The only significant change the FOMC made was to extend their forecast for near-zero rates from mid-2013 to late 2014. It may not sound like much but the change was sufficient to confuse Fed supporters and enrage the significant minority of market participants who regard the Federal Reserve as a threat to the stability of the U.S. economy.
The trade of maximum pain is for stocks to go higher with few people on board. We&39;ll dip, duck and dive along the way but for at least the near term future my view is that holding your nose and buying stocks will prove more lucrative than staying on the sidelines or joining the long list of mutilated bears.
Everyone forgets there is billions of dollars on the books in bad loans due to the housing market fiasco...actually even our government doesnt really know the dollar amount we racked up. It is a viscious circle until that debt is cleared the economy and the housing market will continue to tank. We can not wish the raw cts away. Commercial property is financed even more....too many strip malls and stores built and Americans have less cash to spens.....because the banks will no longer let people use their homes equity like a ATM machine. Cheap money and credit are over!!!!ce it we are a country of debt.....until we all work and get all the debt offf the books......
free money Transparent Fed Leaves Investors With More Questions Than Answers,Click! Follow Us on Facebook!
No matter what youve heard to the contrary, QE3 is underway and the Fed is pumping money into the system, according to legendary investor Jim Rogers, disregarding most every recent FOMC statement. Rogers explains this belief and why its damaging the prospects for American investors.
What is the Fed thinking and what&39;s it mean for equities? Whichever one of use you agree with we want to hear your comments in the space below.
Speaking of risk, upon the FOMC&39;s announcement stocks briefly paused prior to the start of a robust rally not just in equities but across all asset classes. Gold ramped to over $1,700, the S&38;P500 to levels last seen in July 2011, and the Nasdaq 100 screamed to 11-year highs.
None of these asset classes needed further excuse to rally, particularly on the stock side where the S&38;P500 is nearly 15% higher over the last two-months. Nesto sees the Fed&39;s move as a cue to the hit the exits, saying the market can&39;t hold these gains. He sees the yield on 10-year Treasuries going from under 2% today to as high as 3% over the next 6 months. What&39;s more, he sees a better than even chance for an equity prices to slide a meaningful amount due to the aforementioned basket of concerns.
This ridiculous &39;free money&39; money policy will cause all a lot of grief. Wall St and the Governments needs to look good at any cost while people on fixed incomes are slaughtered for being responsible with their money.
Bernanke lacks what it takes to stand up to the politicians who enacted the "dual mandate" objective for Fed policy, adding the national employment responsibility to the price stability
Very few people were expecting major changes when the Federal Reserve issued its bi-quarterly policy statement today. For the most part those expectations were met as thestatementwas nearly identical to the previous release in December. Almost, but not quite.
Task and I see things differently. While it&39;s impossible not to acknowledge the dangers or chance of a double dip, this Fed has shown an undeniable commitment to smothering economic conflagrations in piles of money. &34;Risk-free returns&34; are effectively zero. Stocks have at least the appearance of being cheap. Individual investors have been drawing money out stocks for five straight years. Bears have been singing the same song for too long to be heard, even if they eventually prove to be right.
Breakout is Yahoo! Finances new daily all-out,Schoolparkway school district Expect Budget Cuts For Parkway Schools, Chief Warns (3)2011-12-4 18:35:35 roll-up-your-sleeves, dive-in, interactive investing show, offering fresh segments throughout the trading day. If you love money, if you want to protect what you have, if youre passionate about understanding these crazy markets, youre in the right place. Welcome!MEET THE TEAM:Matt Nesto, Jeff Macke, Aaron Task, Jennifer Carinci and Kevin Chupka
The Federal Reserve is chaired by a man who has no idea what is going to happen to the economy in the future. His almost flawless record of being wrong is out there for all to see on the web. Just run a web search of "Bernanke&39;s Predictions" and his incredibly wrong views of the economy and its future performance will be clear to even the most unknowledgeable observer. If the head of the Fed is so clueless and the rest of the Federal Reserve members routinely follow his lead how is it possible that their actions could tell anyone anything about the future performance of the US economy? By vastly increasing the money supply in so many ways the one thing that is certain is that the US currency is headed for oblivion.
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objective. Sure, it is now the law, but Bernanke acts as though it makes sense. There is nothing government can do for employment other than seek price stability and maintain a level, competitive economic/business regulatory environment. Price stability is the Fed&39;s job, the regulatory environment is the President&39;s and Congress&39;s responsibility. They have iled miserably at this and just pushed off their responsibility to the Fed. Our politicians are a pack of useless cowards.
It&39;s pretty obvious that with the national debt now over 100% of P and Baby Boomers setting their sites on tens of trillions worth of entitlements, the U.S. government needs to inflate these debts and obligations away! It&39;s either outright deult or inflation, and they&39;ve chosen the easy way out -- inflation. Stocks, commodities, precious metals, etc., will keep going up nominally, but in many cases, they&39;re merely keeping up with inflation (or not lling as st). Companies will post good numbers because they are able to raise prices ster than wages. Unemployment numbers may even go down. But Americans will suffer significant loss in their quality of life, their entitlements will be almost worthless, and they will purchase less and less goods, which will slow down the velocity of money at the same time the quantity of money is exploding. This provides good cover to the Fed who can keep claiming that inflation is under control, even as the people are paying as much for dog food as they used to pfree money Transparent Fed Leaves Investors With More Questions Than Answersay for steak. Ultimately, interest rates are going to skyrocket and the Treasury will be ced with the question of repudiating any remaining debt or hyperinflating.
Famously tight-lipped Apple may have uncharacteristically tipped its hand. As reported by Yahoo! Sports, the Cupertino goliath intends to bid for TV rights to the English Premier League (EPL), one of the most profitable and popular soccer leagues in the world.
We have begun the 25 year Japanese &39;L&39; style recovery. Settle in for a few years while the banks recapitalize.
cheap money is great for the global 3000 and the fed has no idea where more US jobs will come from. We can not compete with $17 dollars per day, 12 hour days, 6 days per week, living like toasters in a dormitory with 10,000 other people. That is how ipads and your iphones are made ---
In a special Yahoo! Finance Summit my colleagues Matt Nesto and Aaron Task tackle the key question in this new transparent Fed: Do they know something we don&39;t?
Im not in the US but as a trader I know the Fed are manipulating and want to bleed the world markets in untold ways even printing money as a risk to bring their debt down. You just have to look at the charts too see what their doing and unorthodox technicals happening Ive never seen before as a trader. Along with media propaganda and some truths about job numbers, PIGS these are excuses to led you to believe. Continue to manage your losses and you will survive